Week of September 28th, 2020




WHAT”S UP THIS WEEK (education-wise)

The PLC this week is organized by our local teacher federations and the TELC (Teacher Education Liaison Committee). Three teacher candidates from Year 1 can volunteer for this committee as representatives from each of the three federations; OSSTF (Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation); ETFO (Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario); and OECTA (Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association).  If after the presentation you are interested in participating please contact Tracy Crowe  tcrowe@uottawa.ca

There will be two presentations in this PLC.

a) Introduction by OTF (Ontario Teachers Federation)

b) Professional Boundaries by representatives from ETFO.

To understand the role of  OTF and the other educational partners please refer back to the checklist for Module 2.

Please find the Zoom Meeting link below to September 29- Federation Day PLC

This is a mandatory PLC and the agenda  is:

9:00-10:00 Presentation by Ontario Teacher’s Federation (OTF)

10:00-11:30 Workshop by ETFO on “Professional Boundaries”

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 954 7337 3358
Passcode: 9j0A1s

Find your local number: https://uottawa-ca.zoom.us/u/apELmZDK8



Are you caught up in your work?
Learning Logs – Daniel and Chambers and Indigenous walk – see your checklists in Brightspace

Preparation for Sept 29 PLC:

Read: Professional Learning Communities: A Model for Ontario Schools (2007) link below


As we understand, U of O Faculty of Education students will have access to Google Classroom. Google Classroom is used by many teachers in the five Ottawa boards, and is a simple and effective LMS (learning management system). Given the current, uncertain situation with COVID-19, it is a VERY good idea to start getting your Google Classroom understanding and skills going. You may very well be teaching on-line with your Associate and want to be comfortable and adept.

You can start practising now. USE/CREATE a Google account. Do not use your uottawa e-mail as the account. You want to make this a practice account and not get Google “confused” about two accounts. You can load GC on your phone and laptop. It is free. It will ask you if you are with a school or university. For practice purposes, you are not; go on as an individual with a separate g-mail account. When the university activates its Google Classroom suite, then you use your university address/account. Just go to: Google Classroom.

additional resources – please check out this blog post by Richard Byrne – he has an entire Youtube Playlist devoted to using Google tools




The Rideau Falls are two waterfalls located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada where the Rideau River empties into the Ottawa River. The falls are divided by Green Island, with the Old City Hall just to the south. To the west of the falls is the headquarters of the National Research Council while to the east are the Canada and the World Pavilion and the French Embassy. The falls were named by the early French for their resemblance to a curtain, or rideau in French. The Rideau River was later named after the falls. The Rideau Canal was constructed to bypass these falls and the Hog’s Back Falls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rideau_Falls



Thanks to Andre who shared her flatlay representation. So what does Andre like to do? – aside from eat DARK CHOCOLATE!!! Wait for the delivery this week! FLATLAY OPPORTUNITIES – still here. Try it, you’ll like it!!!!!!

Contemporary Indigenous Arts in the Classroom

The OTTAWA ART GALLERY (OAG) located right beside the Rideau Centre downtown and always accessible on-line has some wonderful ideas for incorporating and teaching Indigenous Art. Check it out!  www.oaggao.ca/contemporary-indigenous-arts-classroom